April 2023 - thoughts from the President
Here we are at the start of a new year and season.
Last year we held our first tour in 25 years when we travelled to Portugal - nothing like going big for a tour again! It was greatly enjoyed by all and there is (or will be depending on when you read this!) a write up about the tour with some pictures.
This year we will be touring Oxford and playing our old friends Cheney School Staff - more information can be found on how that will go on this page.
Dynamo's last year was a great success and we are doing it again. As I write we have 15 signed up this year which is a record for us. I am in the process of organising some softball matches again for them.
As a club we manged to make it into the Blackmore Vale Magazine for one of their articles about village cricket. If you want read more click here.
There will be nets throughout the season, so please keep your eye on the WhatsApp group or Teamer to check when they will be happening.
Greetings and welcome to the News for 2022 Season.
It seems that we may hopefully be coming back to some form of normality for 2022 with Teas being allowed back again (yummy!!)
We have a full list of 30 matches during the year with our oft postponed Tour to Portugal going ahead (we hope!!). There are 5 evening games on a Thursday as we thought we would try a new format this year in preperation for the Tour games.
Our Junior section is doing well running its second year of Dynamos with Cam & Si taking the lead helped by Miles and Ed. They also plan with the help of Dorset Cricket to run Chance to Shine at the club during Easter holidays.